Social Accountability is a matter of great responsibility. Every being on this planet is born with an innate sense of responsibility. We human beings may not always be able to carry out our social responsibilities as a group or an institution, but individually, we fulfill our social duties to some extent, be it consciously or subconsciously. Some take notes of these contributions; some do not.

Our journey began the same way. “Something must be done for the nation as well as the society”—we sporadically started some of our works with this mentality. We had a typical start. We organized initiatives such as sponsoring talented yet poverty-stricken students, assisting disadvantaged populations, aiding the poor, arranging medical services, helping economically weaker fathers marry off their daughters, distributing winter clothing, arranging feeding programs for distressed people, and many others.

At one stage, we felt that it was necessary to move forward institutionally by setting specific goals instead of doing things sporadically. With this notion in mind, the chairman of the group, Eng. Sardar Md. Shaheen, established the SIMEC Foundation, as part of the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) of SIMEC Group. His initiative is to make the underprivileged people fit to survive the changing society.

The SIMEC Foundation has continuously carried out a wide range of rural community service initiatives under the direction and control of its personnel to contribute to the growth of the state and society. With financial assistance, the founder of SIMEC Foundation is the sole individual in control of all foundation operations. In recognition of this, the Foundation has been dedicated to innovative work and diverse forms of socio-economic development since its inception.

The foundation’s main goal is to strengthen human resources through Social Education. Targeting the most disadvantaged groups in society as the main driving force, the SIMEC Foundation has chosen three resources including women, youth and unused land for taking part in national growth to ensure that they are treated equally when accessing administrative, technical, social, and financial services. Rather, in every context of life, they will be able to reach true empowerment through the acquisition of awareness and skills.

Institutional education is the primary stage of human resource development. The current national curriculum of Bangladesh is still not above adequate research. The SIMEC Foundation wants to propose ‘Social Education’ as a strategy for education and community development. The foundation believes that no person can be responsible towards the family, society and the state if he/she does not become a ‘Social Person’. Even, may not contribute to any welfare of the society.

Therefore, educational institutions are the ideal setting for learning “Social Education” where all students may receive a common learning value covering the same curriculum. And, they will be applied learned social values at every stage of life. As a philanthropic organization, the SIMEC Foundation aims to empower a specific community utilizing socio-economic development and innovate a model that any community in any region of the state might follow. Furthermore, it stresses how significant “Social Education” is in the current curriculum to make every learner a ‘Social Person’.



Engr. Sardar Md. Shaheen

Founder Chairman

I always cherish a belief in my mind that I was born in this world for once. Similarly, death will come only once. After death, I will never get this life back. There is no way to return to this beautiful world. Therefore, one must do good in his/her lifetime.

I was born in a rural area and spent my childhood and adolescence there. Like me, most of the people of Bangladesh have spent their lives in rural regions. We are all indebted to the soil and people of Bengal. People of this earth will go back to earth after death. In a small effort to repay that debt to the soil before taking refuge in it forever, this journey of “SIMEC Foundation” has been an effort to dedicate myself to the welfare of people of the village of my childhood and youth.

Our villages represent the Mother Bengal. If we want to develop Bangladesh, we have to strengthen rural Bengal. If Bangladesh is to be developed, Bengalis need to be educated in modern education. During my international travels, I realized that the people of my village are deprived of modern education and medical services. If all these people can be educated in social education, if they can be given modern medical services, one day they will enrich their own villages together.

I have been cherishing the dream of such a prosperous Bengal for many years. Wherever I am in this vast world, no matter how far I am from Bangladesh, I always dream of such a future. This could be just a dream, but this dream motivates me to serve the country all the time.

I don’t know how much I can serve the country in one lifetime. I don’t know if I will ever see that enriched village. However, this does not make me anxious as I have already begun the initiatives that will one day fulfill my vision.